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Joe Peeping
"When you know, you know."
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Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? is the eighth episode of the fourth season of You, and the thirty-eighth episode of the series overall. It premiered on Netflix on March 9, 2023.


As memories of the past trickle in, Joe struggles to recall an important detail. Phoebe shares her hasty plans with Kate. Nadia scrambles for a solution.


Joe is revealed to have drugged and kidnapped Marienne before she could leave London. He locked her in a glass cage in the basement of an abandoned building across from Rhys' favorite restaurant. Joe had been researching Rhys' life, finding commonalities between Rhys' story of rising out of a life of crime and poverty and his desire for moral redemption. Upon imprisoning Marienne, Joe suffered a psychotic break that caused him to dissociate, resulting in gaps in his memory where he kidnapped Marienne and later committed the murders. Having forgotten he kidnapped Marienne, Joe left her to starve in the cage. The "Rhys" in Joe's visions proclaims himself to be a figment of his darker impulses. Rhys helps Joe remember where he kept the key to Marienne's location. Joe arrives at the building at the same time Nadia explains to Marienne her plan to help her escape.


Main Cast[]

Recurring Cast[]

Guest Cast[]

  • Dallas Skye as Juliette Bellamy
  • Brad Alexander as Edward
  • Jadesola Odunjo as Victoria


  • The title of the episode is a nod to author Joyce Carol Oates' 1966 short story of the same name.


