I mean Joe couldn't stand to be around Love for an entire year.So why would Forty stand to be around her for an entire lifetime with all of the shit that she had pulled over on him.I just think it's very unlikely.Then there's the matter of Forty falling in love with Joe.And wanting Joe to f*ck him.And to actually think of him when he was f*cking Delilah.And then there's that scene in season 3 when Joe talks to the baby and calls the baby Forty instead of Henry which is his babies actual real name.Also i think that Forty and Joe are a perfect match.Forty has no problems with polyamorus relationships as he slept with Candice.Right after him and Joe had gotten high on acid.Besides Joe wants a wife and i'm pretty sure that Forty wouldn't mind that unless he felt that he wasn't being included within the hypotetical relationship.There's actually a scene in season 2 we're he gets mad at Love for not being honest about her being within a relationship with Joe.Also it's quite possible that Joe would agree to a relationship with Forty.Since all of the problems within his relationships have been brought on by other woman.He'd probably think of it as a fresh start.Also isn't a bit suspicous that he believed himself to be responsible for the murdur of that nanny.Yet all of a sudden he has this problem with Joe executing Beck.Also the big red flag that was raised for me was when Love explained to Joe that her family owned the cops within their city.Forty was shot by a cop.And not just any cop it was Delilahs former boyfriend.You could of course say that he was following Elli but then why wouldn't he arrest her as soon as he had found her.Earlier on before she was at the parking lot he had no intrest in saving her life none.In fact he was quite motivated to see her in handcuffs.Someone must have told him about where she was.Elli does not trust the cops because Delilahs former boyfriend tried to place her in jail for a crime she didn't commit.And since she does not trust Joe or Love.It goes to say that the only person she did have a close friendly relationship with was Forty.Remember that Forty doesen't need to actually meet Delilahs boyfriend.As he probably just used Elli's phone or saw a picture of him or contacted him by other means.And call me paranoid if you want but Forty has litterely no reason to be loyal to Love given how she was the one who murdered the nanny that sexually abused him when he was a kid.
Also of whom he described to be the love of his life.Stacked upon all of that evidence.Love has a terrible relationship with her mother.So wouldn't a seperation of the two siblings through his percieved murdur benefit them the most.Yes there is the matter of Joe running away with Love.And Joe being Joe and Love being Love.It goes to say that things would obviously not end well between the both of them.However there's litterely no way that Forty isn't aware of her behavioral patterns.Also everyone knows that a character has to be shot in the head for them to actually be declared dead.Forty was shot from the back.Yes the blood did get in Joe's face but i don't think that's a big problem.Because people have survived wounds like that before.The bullet could have also been laced with poison making him faint as a result.Forty's death scene was also extremely short lived.And Joe and Love we're in a hurry to get out of there.So i don't really think that they had time to check if he was really dead.Also the cop/Delilahs boyfriend was probably the one who was tasked with disposing of the body afterwards.Leaving him quite some time to actually drive Forty to the hospital if he survived.In return he would be given access to Delilahs remains.A position he could have been baited into so that they could execute him later after the job was finished.However i'm not convinced on that theory just yet as i'm still under the assumption that the cop knew everything except for the part about Joe kidnapping Delilah.
Though it might still be possible that he did know.I mean he didn't cry or anything when she disapeared.Also if he had he payed attention to Delilahs personality he would have known that she would never want her sister to be locked up in a cage for the rest of her life.His lack of care over that piece of information makes me think that he wasn't actually being entirely fourth coming.Although that's mostly speculation well see what happens in season 4